ATTENTION LIFTERS: If you plan on obtaining any USPF Records, be sure you bring the current and correct Application(s) to the event to be signed by the Officials. Incorrect or unsigned forms will not be processed. USPF Meet Directors no longer distribute nor submit USPF Record Applications.
USPF American Record & Certificate Requirements:
~ Two (2) of the three (3) USPF Referees must be ranked at either a National or
International level.
~ Meet is sanctioned through USPF.
~ Lifter and referees have current USPF memberships.
~ Meet directors must send meet results to the American Records Chairman within
14 days of meet for verification prior to new records and certificates being issued.
~ Completed American Record Applications must be sent to the American
Records Chairman within 30 days of the date of the record being set.
+Certifying and recording USPF American Records are free along with PDF Certificates emailed to you that you can download and print. Due to the increase in costs there is now a $5 fee if you choose to have the Certificates mailed via USPS.
**There is a $10 fee per replacement certificate payable (by check, money order, or
PayPal) to the respective Records Chair.
It is the lifter's responsibility to obtain and submit the correct or current USPF Record Applications to the respective Records Chairs.
The lifter is required to tell the scorekeeper and Head Referee before his/her lift if they are attempting an American Record. Immediately after they have achieved such lift, the lifter is required to have their gear checked by the Head Referee before leaving the platform.
Due to the increase in costs, paper Certificates mailed via USPS are now $10 per Records Application. Certifying and recording records are still free along with PDF certificates emailed to you that you can download and print.
Be sure to send verification of your Record(s).
" As USPF American Records Chairperson, my main goals are to assure lifters receive the recognition they deserve for their hard work and efforts in powerlifting; accurately maintain, update and keep current the USPF Records while allowing access to all for viewing; and share photos/memories of those moments of achievement."
~Sheri LeiLani Hartmann
USPF President & Board of Directors Member
USPF American Records & Classification Awards Chairs
P.O. Box 1148, Tombstone, AZ 85638
Copyright © 2013-2025 USPF the Legend - All Rights Reserved.
The United States Powerlifting Federation (USPF) - SWP is a registered Not-For-Profit Corporation.