...Long ago, before computers and email were popular, there were these inventions called typewriters and Xerox machines. With them, all records were recorded and mailed to people via Snail Mail, the U.S. Post Office.
Through our archeological diggings, we have found some of these records, memories from the past. If you have any USPF Records from the early years you would like to contribute, please contact us at USPFtheLegend@aol.com,
and we will post them online.
This wonderful and rare piece of USPF history has so many of the powerlifting legends and greats of that era listed.
Compiled by Dr. Alan Kirshner, these 34 pages contain Region 13 (now defunct) & CA State Men's & Women's Records along with powerlifting placements from all CA meets.
Division now defunct.
Division now defunct.
Division now defunct as of 2016.
Division now defunct as of 2016.
Division now defunct as of 2016.
1988_Women_s_Masters_AR_January (pdf)
DownloadOK_Records_1980_AAU_USPF (pdf)
Download1982_So_CA_Women_s_PL_Records_May (pdf)
Download1982_Women_s_Masters_ARs_Dec (pdf)
Download1983_CA_Women_s_PL_Records_Feb (pdf)
Download1985_CA_Women_s_PL_Records_Dec (pdf)
Download1985_CA_Women_s_PL_Records_June (pdf)
Download1987_CA_Women_s_PL_Records_April (pdf)
DownloadDue to changes in age groups, etc. in the USPF in the past, some of the WV State Division 1 Records are no longer in alignment with the USPF. They are now posted in the Vintage Records section.
Due to changes in age groups, etc. in the USPF awhile ago, some of the WV State Division 1 Records are no longer in alignment with the USPF. They are now posted in the Vintage Records section.
Copyright © 2013-2025 USPF the Legend - All Rights Reserved.
The United States Powerlifting Federation (USPF) - SWP is a registered Not-For-Profit Corporation.