In 2019, under the new President, Sheri Hartmann, Superior World Powerlifting -SWP was created and then approved by the Board of Directors and USPF Members at the 2019 USPF National Meeting. It is a subdivision of the USPF and offers an opportunity to once again lift in a World venue while allows the USPF to maintain its autonomy.
The USPF has always been known for it's high standards of lifting and reputation for excellence. To maintain this quality, these are the requirements for obtaining a Superior World Powerlifting ~ SWP Record:
1. The basic USPF Rules for obtaining Records must be met.
2. Push/Pull World Records will not be offered at this time.
At the USPF Nationals, the lifter is required to tell the scorekeeper and Head Referee before his/her lift if they are attempting a SWP Record. Immediately after they have achieved such lift, the lifter is required to have their gear checked by the Head Referee before leaving the platform (same as American Record) AND have his/her SWP Record Application signed for that lift. (An Official will be assigned for that duty.) A SWP Application must be submitted before the meet commences. Record lifts will not be valid if aforementioned was not done by the lifter.
(See EVENTS on Home page for more info.)
2024 SWP Record Application for Nationals (pdf)
DownloadFiles coming soon.
The Original USPF Raw Division.
SWP Raw KS D3 Men FP Open & SubMaster (pdf)
DownloadSWP Raw KS D3 Men FP Preteen Teen & Jr (pdf)
DownloadSWP Raw KS D3 Men FP Masters (pdf)
DownloadSWP Raw KS D3 Men SL Squat ALL (pdf)
DownloadSWP Raw KS D3 Men SL Bench Press ALL (pdf)
DownloadSWP Raw KS D3 Men SL Deadlift ALL (pdf)
DownloadSWP Raw KS D3 Women FP Open & SubMaster (pdf)
DownloadSWP Raw KS D3 Women FP Preteen Teen & Jr (pdf)
DownloadSWP Raw KS D3 Women SL Bench Press ALL (pdf)
DownloadSWP Raw KS D3 Women SL Deadlift ALL (pdf)
DownloadSWP Raw KW D4 Women Teen & Jrs RECORDS (pdf)
DownloadSWP Single Ply D-1 Men FP Open (pdf)
DownloadFiles coming soon.
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The United States Powerlifting Federation (USPF) - SWP is a registered Not-For-Profit Corporation.