Can't find an answer regarding USPF Memberships?
As of February 1st, 2022, USPF Meet Directors no longer collect USPF Membership Applications or Membership fees. USPF Meet Directors duties regarding Memberships are limited to only checking USPF Membership Cards to verify Lifters, and USPF Referees/USPF Officials to verify that they have the required current USPF Membership Cards at a USPF Meet or Event.
USPF Memberships can only be purchased and obtained by the available options online at USPF Membership Applications and Membership Fees that are mailed via USPS must be received before the day of the meet/event. An email from will be sent as confirmation until he/she receives his/her USPF Membership Card. USPF Membership Applications and Membership Fees can be submitted online by the Applicant on the day of the USPF Meet, Event before the meet/event commences.
It is solely the Lifter’s responsibility to obtain a USPF Membership Card and submit the Application and Fees directly to the USPF National Office. USPF Membership Applications and Fees will NOT be accepted if a USPF Meet Director, staff, or any USPF Official fills out the paper form, accepts money from the Applicant and/or mails in such.
ALL participating Lifters and USPF Referees/Officials must have a current USPF Membership to participate in any USPF Meet or Event.
The "3 Lifters" Membership Card is the only valid USPF Membership Card for lifters and the gold and black flag with the eagle USPF Logo Card is for Officials. Absolutely NO others are accepted. Membership and ID Cards must also have current USPF Expiration Stickers to be valid.
All Officials must have current USPF Membership and lifters must have current USPF Membership to compete.
A USPF Supporter Membership Card is also now available for non-lifters & non-officials of all ages. It has the gold and black flag with the eagle USPF logo and is labeled as a USPF Supporter Member.
By submitting your application and/or payment, you agree with the following:
I agree to the policies and Rules & Bylaws of the USPF along with the Release of Claims and Liability (scroll to bottom).
Any USPF sanctioned contest may be drug tested at the discretion of the meet director. In recognition of the need for drug-usage detection, I agree to submit to any testing procedures and/or submit results deemed appropriate by the USPF or its agents and shall accept the results and consequences of such tests.
Don't forget to include BOTH your Membership Application & Fee. Memberships will not be processed if either is missing.
Membership Fees can be paid online with PayPal*
(*Yearly subscription payment also available. Scroll down for more info.)
or a check/money order may be mailed to:
P.O. Box 1148, Tombstone, AZ 85638
Membership Applications can be filled out online or
sent by either "snail mail" or email.
See below for rates.
Replacement cards are $5 each.
"Snail mail" completed form to:
P.O. Box 1148, Tombstone, AZ 85638
OR email a jpeg of the completed form to:
2025 Application for Membership Registration (pdf)
DownloadAll USPF Competitors ~ exceptions in next section.
USPF Supporter Memberships are for non-competitors & non-officials of all ages who would like to show their support with an Official USPF Membership. It's great for the little ones who want to be a part of the USPF like their older siblings or their parents. (Lanyards with a card holder are available below for $10.)
First Year's Payment ONLY $35!
(Don't forget to send in your USPF Membership Application!)
Sign up today for auto payments each year for your USPF Membership!
No more hassles. Just go to the online Membership Application to make any changes to your address or any other info when needed.
Your new USPF expiration sticker will be sent upon payment received.
The USPF yearly Membership fee charged will be the current online pricing offered at recurring billing date. (Not available for $20 Memberships.)
($0.00 shipping)
Perfect for your USPF ID/Membership Card! Plastic holder has a "Ziploc" type top to keep your Card secure. Only $5 each and includes shipping.
you agree with the following:
I agree to the policies and Rules & Bylaws of the USPF along with the Release of Claims and Liability (below).
Any USPF sanctioned contest may be drug tested at the discretion of the meet director. In recognition of the need for drug-usage detection, I agree to submit to any testing procedures and/or submit results deemed appropriate by the USPF or its agents and shall accept the results and consequences of such tests.
RELEASE OF CLAIMS I do hereby waive, release and discharge any & all claims for personal injury, death or property damage or loss which may have or may hereafter accrue, before or after the meet, as a result of traveling to or participation in the above said activity. I understand that powerlifting involves an element of risk, danger, possible injuries and in very rare circumstances, possible death. I hereby assume these risks, dangers, etc. to be binding on my heirs and assigns. I hereby agree to indemnity and hold the United States Powerlifting Federation, the USPF President and Board of Directors, the Owner and Employees of Venue, USPF Staff and Workers, USPF Officials, Volunteers, other Lifters, Spectators, Etc. free and harmless from any loss, liability, damage, cost of expense which may incur as a result of death, any, injury, or property damage or loss I may sustain while participating in said activity or in facility. I agree to pay any attorney fees and litigation expenses incurred by any person, real or corporate, whom I may sue in an effort to challenge this Release of Claims. I understand that my agreement to pay attorney fees and litigation expenses is the sine qua non for the acceptance of my entry in this contest or my participation in this competition. If any provision of this Release of Claims shall be deemed by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the remainder of this Release of Claims shall remain in full force and effect. I also certify with my signature that this Release of Claims cannot be modified orally. I have carefully read this RELEASE OF CLAIMS and fully understand the contents.
I certify that I am physically fit to participate with NO Life-Threatening Medical Problems. I have read and signed this RELEASE on my own free will.
Copyright © 2013-2025 USPF the Legend - All Rights Reserved.
The United States Powerlifting Federation (USPF) - SWP is a registered Not-For-Profit Corporation.